
Innovation and excellence in higher education and scientific research in the field of medical physics, the training highly qualified students, and the…

Enhance the use of mathematical and statistical methods in formulating the best business and economic strategies, to help companies, build appropriate financial strategies, to predict the…

Graduating students possessing thorough understanding of mathematical concepts, theories, research, and recent developments of mathematics by providing an integrated academic environment and…

Providing a high-quality program academically that qualifies its graduates…

The Chemistry department aims to graduate distinguished bachelor's and master's graduates and provide them with the skills that qualify them to work in various…

The Chemistry department aims to graduate distinguished bachelor's and master's graduates and provide them with the skills that qualify them to work in various…

Preparing competitor graduates in the labor market and graduate studies as well as contribute to community service

Excellence in higher education and scientific research related to fields of physics, with the focus on graduation of highly qualified students in physics and related…

Graduating students possessing thorough understanding of mathematical concepts, theories, research, and recent developments of mathematics by providing an integrated academic environment and…