Forum on the Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Academic Sector
His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Dr. Faleh bin Raja Allah Al-Solami, witnessed this morning the launch of the “Forum for the Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Academic Sector,” which was organized by the College of Science in cooperation with the College of Computer Science and the Center for Artificial Intelligence, in the presence of about 2,000 beneficiaries...
As part of the university’s commitment to developing an advanced educational environment, Prof. Dr. Al-Solami announced the university’s intention to include a basic subject for studying artificial intelligence for all students, to qualify them and provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to keep pace with modern technological developments.
Al-Solami explained that this measure comes in response to the growing labor market needs for experts in the field of artificial intelligence, and to enable students to participate effectively in the industry of the future. Prof. Dr. Al-Solami expressed his hope to develop joint educational programs between various disciplines, to enhance cooperation and interaction between students and expand the horizons of scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence. He also thanked the participants for organizing the forum, expressing his appreciation for their efforts in enriching intellectual and scientific discussions in this important field.
The university president, accompanied by university members, toured the exhibition accompanying the forum, where he listened to an explanation from faculty members and graduate and undergraduate students, who presented 85 scientific posters. It included diverse and in-depth discussions about the applications of artificial intelligence in various scientific disciplines, which attracted the interest of students and faculty members. They also reviewed the results of their research and scientific projects related to the field of artificial intelligence.
Dean of the College of Science, Dr. Miteb Said AlGhamdi, explained that the topics presented at the exhibition varied between the Department of Biology, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. The Department of Biology discussed future applications of artificial intelligence in the biological sciences, while the role of the Department of Physics focused on how generative artificial intelligence develops through physical progress. The Department of Mathematics addressed the role of mathematics and mathematical modeling in artificial intelligence, while the Department of Chemistry presented a review of applications of artificial intelligence in the chemical field.
AlGhamdi added that the forum witnessed a series of scientific seminars and dialogue sessions, in addition to a specialized training course, aimed at highlighting the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence and its applications in various fields. The scientific seminars included a lecture entitled “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution” presented by the Director of the Artificial Intelligence Center, Dr. Ali bin Muhammad Al-Qahtani, in addition to a lecture on “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence” presented by the University President’s Advisor, Dr. Abdul Mohsen bin Eid Al-Qarni. The Dean of the College of Computer Science for Educational Affairs and Development, Dr. Ayman Qahmash, also presented a session on “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Education.”
The forum witnessed a scientific session entitled “Convergence of Sciences” that addressed the importance of integration between artificial intelligence technologies and science disciplines, a session on “prospects for the application areas of artificial intelligence in interface programs,” and a session that addressed “the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing scientific research.” A training course was presented under the title “Introduction to Deep Learning and its Practical Applications,” which included direct practical applications and case studies illustrating the use of artificial intelligence in research and academic fields. It benefited faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
The recommendations of the Artificial Intelligence Forum, in which several researchers and specialists participated, focused on several principles that enhance education and training in this advanced field, including enhancing the development of competencies and qualifying cadres through specialized programs based on the latest global practices, and the necessity of including artificial intelligence courses as an essential part of the curriculum. University, with a focus on updating curricula to keep pace with modern developments, in addition to developing digital platforms and virtual services that rely on artificial intelligence technologies in the administrative and academic system.
The recommendations also included enhancing knowledge integration between colleges and relevant authorities to build integrated educational programs that support economic and technological developments, supporting researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, and expanding the scope of cooperation with research agencies and local and international companies.
The recommendations also called for establishing a research chair for applied sciences and artificial intelligence and implementing joint research projects, in addition to supporting research in the field of applied sciences, technology, and artificial intelligence. And supporting the expansion of national and international cooperation to develop artificial intelligence technologies and applications at the university, with a focus on developing and qualifying academic staff and undergraduate and graduate students in this advanced field.
The forum witnessed an active attendance of more than 2,000 beneficiaries, including researchers, faculty members, and university students, who benefited from the lectures, dialogue sessions, and the training course to expand their awareness and develop their skills in the field of artificial intelligence. This forum also comes within King Khalid University’s efforts to enhance knowledge and develop skills in the field of artificial intelligence, and to highlight the importance of technological development in various fields. Which enhances its position as a leading educational institution and distinguished research center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.